Wednesday 2 September 2015

Two Colour Overlay

Tried my hand at two colour overlay today, the giraffe pattern wasn't intentional but it gave me a chance to play around with screen filler. I also found that the colours mix better whilst listening to death metal, total fact.

Thursday 30 July 2015

Workspace melodramatics

via Instagram

After some half split searching and foul cursing finally managed to resolve a few issues with the exposing process, nothing is ever too obvious.

Pro tip: Don't buy shitty positives, it'll only make you sad, I don't work for these guys but a shout out to Positivity Ltd Super duper fast, friendly and positives black enough to eat light.

#BlackSwanPrints #Screenprinting #Manchester #HotTeeth #positivityltd #wickedscreenprintingstuff

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Friday 30 January 2015

Liz West - You Colours of Perception

Liz West - Your Colour of Perception 

Castlefield Market, Federation House, Manchester